Through trustworthy ethical management, we will make best efforts for fulfilling social duties for every interested party who is the foundation for our survivals. Thus, we will enact the『Dongseo Mechatronics code of ethics』that will be the basis for behaviors and value judgement of every employee.
Customer’s perspectives : We will realize that our customers are the essence of company activities and make sure every management activity serves the customer to find the new values that our customers want.
Sense of ownership : With voluntary sense of ownerships full of passion, we will improve our abilities and spirits of challengers and with innovative attitude toward long term development, we will pursue the essence and achieve the optimal results for everyone.
Open culture : We will make sure smooth communication and fair criticism is the foundation for our free discussions and after reaching the conclusions, we will focus on execution in this healthy organizational culture.
Every company employee must abide by the code of ethics.
We strongly recommend persons, corporates and affiliate with trader relationship to us to comply the code of ethics.
Customer respects
1. Under the belief that company exists because of customers, we will do our best to reward our customers with life full of surprises.
2. We will respect our customers and thank our customers and always think from their perspectives.
3. We will respect customers’ rights to select various products and services and provide the best service that they can be happy with.
4. We will only tell truth to our customers and always keep the promises to our customers.
Customer value innovation
1. Customer value innovation is the highest priority for every decision making.
2. We will do our bests for creativity and innovation that can ensure our customers can realize their dream of joyful life in reality and provide products and services in a distinctive way.
3. We will do our best to create new values that our customers never felt before.
Customer protection
1. We will perfectly protect our customer’s profits and information.
2. We will secure the safety of our customers in marketing activities and facility maintenance.
3. We will provide fair product and service information to help our customers in making a a reasonable decision.
Respects for partners and promotion of mutual development
1. Through mutual trusts and respects, we will pursue mutual survival with our partners.
2. We will provide every possible support for our partners to be competitive and growing in the long term.
3. With the spiritic of community, we will respect employees of our partner companies and consider them with care.
Fair trade culture
1. We will reasonably select and evaluate our partners in an objective and fair review criteria.
2. We will make sure in every trade condition and procedures, through discussions with partners are made and equivalent positions are maintained.
3. When making a trade with our partners, we will obey the laws and comply with the code of ethics.
4. We will always keep the promises to our partners.
5. We will not engage in any sort of illegal activity by taking advantages of our superiority.
6. We will not demand or receive any sort of bribery from or to our partners.
Creation of comfortable working environment
1. When enforcing every policy, we will accept each employee’s dignity and values.
2. We will not discriminate employees due to relations, academic affiliates, sex, education, religion, handicaps and so on.
3. We will respect and protect privacy of our employees.
4. We will make the best efforts for protecting the health of employees and for creating safe working environment.
5. We will maintain a healthy partnerships with employees and prohibit unethical behaviors such as sexual harassment to create friendly and family style working environment.
6. We will make sure drug abuse or heavy drinking does not interfere with business or hurt health.
Opportunities for growth and self development
1. We will recommend each individual’s creative thinking and autonomous activities.
2. We will provide systematic development opportunities for employee’s leadership and capability improvement.
3. We will establish the human vision suitable for the global age and try to live up to the human visions through endless self development.
Fair evaluation and reasonable compensation
1. We will suggest clear criteria for goals and outcomes and provide fair evaluations based on outcomes and abilities.
2. We will provide reasonable compensations for employees ad organizations who contribute to outcomes.
Dignity and responsibilities
1. Employees must behave according to the social norms based on code of ethics and moral.
2. Employees must learn and comply with the company rules related to vocations.
3. Employees should be responsible for outcomes that can be generated due to their decisions and actions.
4. Employees will not commit anti social acts that hurts the social order or company reputations or profits.
Clean organization
1. Condolence money exchanged between employees are based on mutual aides and guarantee of loans and financial trade are prohibited in principle.
2. Employees should not provide money or service with each other.
3. Every interested party should not receive money or service from each other.
Company information protection
1. Employees must not leak personal information or business secrets.
2. Employees cannot have another job at the same time.
3. Employees must not use tech or patent information learned through the course of business for other company or employee's profits.
4. Employees must not use the vocation related internal information for stock or security trades and must no provide internal information to others.
Protection of company property
1. Employees must protect non tangible and tangible property of the company and must not use them for other purposes than the business.
2. Employees ensure perfect recording and management of documented or electronic data at the company.
3. Employees must not do non business works such as political, religious or hobbies during the business hours. If they are done in the business hours, they should never cause interferences to the business execution.
Compliance with the laws
1. We will respect correct social values as entrepreneurs.
2. We will fully comply with the basic order and laws accepted internationally and regionally regardless of whether it affects private or public life.
Contribution to social development
1. We will aggressively participate in community service, and rescue activities which are part of social duties.
2. We will fully support the development of academics, art, culture and sports that can make our lives rich and healthy.
3. With job creation and prudential tax payment, we will contribute to the national development and fulfill roles and responsibilities through social welfare business.
Health company activity
1. We will never act in such a way to hurt the national economy or create anti sentiment among nationals.
2. We will respect our competitors and engage in free and fair competitions according to the laws and ethics.
3. We will reject any kind of unfairness that degrades the health company management.
Environmental protection and environment friendly
1. We will make the best efforts for protecting nature and preserving the clean environment.
2. We will make sure our business does not degrade the environmental protection and make the best efforts for preventing pollutions and contamination.
3. We will dispose wastes resulting from our business according to the laws.
4. When we purchase materials and items for our business, we will do the best to get eco friendly products.
Behavior guides for the code of ethics